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Romanian battery manufacturer ROMBAT receives Q1 Ford Supplier certification



Rombat, the Romanian manufacturer of car batteries, has received the “Q1 Ford Supplier” certificate, which confirms its high quality standards, systems’ capability, performance in guarantee period and shipping, as well as strict criteria for quality and environmental management, according to a press release sent to AGERPRES on Thursday.

“The Q1 Ford Supplier status attests the level of excellence as an OEM supplier and places Rombat in the elite club of Ford suppliers, which represents a direct recognition of concentration of the Rombat team regarding the quality of its products, as well as fast delivery. The certification also brings the confirmation that the work standards that have already been implemented in our company are at their highest level, in agreement with the development strategy but also regarding the needs of the market we are operating in, internally and internationally,” said Alin Ioanes, CEO Rombat.

The certification is granted by Ford manufacturer to suppliers that prove their excellence, beyond the fulfillment of standard IATF 16949:2016 (international standard for management systems within the auto industry quality, ed.n.).

According to the quoted source, the status is granted following a complex audit process, which takes into account 5 important areas, among which the constant superior performance and customer satisfaction.

“We are glad to have alongside us a supplier such as Rombat, who is not known just locally, but is highly respected. Rombat has been working as a supplier to the factory in Craiova since 2017, and the Q1 Ford certificate granted last year is clear proof of the high-level professionalism of the Rombat company, but also fulfilling a long list of key requirements, which are mandatory for achieving this status,” said Josephine Payne, the chairman of Ford Romania and director of the Ford factory in Craiova.

Rombat was nominated as a supplier for Ford Craiova in 2017, and in 2018 received a certificate for International Automotive Task Force – IATF 16949:2016, mandatory request for being a supplier in the automobile production.

Rombat Bistrita is the only integrated manufacturer of 3600 car batteries in Romania and a leader of the local market, since 1997. Founded over 40 years ago, in 1980, “Acumulatorul Bistrita” changed its name in 1991, becoming Rombat.

The company was state-owned until 1996, when, following privatization, was bought by the employees. In 2012 Rombat Bistrita was taken over by Metair International Holdings Cooperatief UA, part of the Metair Investment Limited group. Throughout time, Rombat has produced and sold auto batteries in over 40 states, in 4 continents.

The company has a strategic partnership of over 25 years with Dacia Renault, and in 2017 it became a supplier for Ford Craiova. In 2021, the company received a Q1 Ford certification, which attests the maximum standard of excellence as an OEM supplier. In 2022, as a result of an enhanced approach of brand building and redefinition of values, the company is reaffirming its role on the Romanian and international market, ROMBAT positioning itself as “the battery that moves the economy”.

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Turneu învăluit în mister: secretarul de stat american, Antony Blinken, va merge miercuri în Israel şi Iordania




Secretarul de stat Antony Blinken va merge miercuri în Israel şi Iordania, la o zi după participarea la un summit în Arabia Saudită consacrat rezolvării conflictului israeliano-palestinian, a anunţat duminică Departamentul de Stat american, scrie AFP, citat de

Acest turneu a fost anunţat după o discuţie telefonică între preşedintele Statelor Unite, Joe Biden, şi premierul israelian, Benjamin Netanyahu, cu privire la negocierile în curs pentru a opri ofensiva israeliană din Fâşia Gaza în schimbul eliberării ostaticilor, reţinuţi de la atacul din 7 octombrie.

Blinken va vizita Israelul, precum şi Iordania, a precizat Departamentul de Stat, fără alte detalii, în momentul în care avionul celui mai înalt diplomat american era alimentat în Irlanda, în drum spre Arabia Saudită unde se va opri luni şi marţi.

La Riad, are loc o reuniune specială a Forumului Economic Mondial (WEF) dedicată eforturilor de a obţine o încetare a focului în Fâşia Gaza care să permită eliberarea ostaticilor.

Departamentul de Stat nu a oferit imediat detalii despre cele două etape de miercuri.

Egiptul, Qatarul şi Statele Unite încearcă de luni de zile să medieze un nou armistiţiu între Israel şi Hamas, presiunile în favoarea unui astfel de acord fiind tot mai mari.

Preşedintele american a repetat că este îngrijorat că Israelul va lansa o operaţiune terestră asupra oraşului Rafah, în sudul Fâşiei Gaza, unde peste un milion de palestinieni şi-au găsit refugiu.

Într-un comunicat anunţând etapa saudită a turneului întreprins de Antony Blinken, purtătorul de cuvânt al Departamentului de Stat, Matthew Miller, a declarat că şeful diplomaţiei americane se va alătura eforturilor de încetare a focului, dar a adăugat: “Hamas se interpune între poporul palestinian şi încetarea focului”.

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