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Romanian, Moldovan Parliaments adopt joint declaration



The representatives of the Parliaments of the Republic of Moldova and Romania signed on Saturday a joint declaration reiterating the “unconditional support” pledged over time by all political forces in Romania for the development, democratic consolidation and European course of the Republic of Moldova.

“We emphasize that Moldova’s concrete prospect to join the European Union is the key element for carrying on with reforms, encouraging the population of the Republic of Moldova in this period of extreme insecurity and material difficulties, giving it hope that in the near future it will be part of the European family, including in terms of European values and higher living standards. We reiterate the unconditional support pledged over time by all Romanian political forces for the development, democratic consolidation and European path of the Republic of Moldova. In particular, we emphasize the jointly agreed priority goal of implementing bilateral strategic projects, including interconnections in the field of energy, transport and infrastructure,” the document reads.

The joint efforts of the two sides represent “the solid foundation for the achievement of the priority strategic goal of firmly and irreversibly connecting the Republic of Moldova to the European Union”, with the support of Romania, the declaration states.

“An important pillar in this regard is the interconnection of markets, and Romania commits to step up its support for increasing the competitiveness of the Republic of Moldova’s economy and to intensify its presence and investments with a view to developing the economic partnership in a climate of stability and economic predictability at European standards and in accordance with the two states’ ambitions. In this regard, we note the strong commitment of the Moldovan authorities to implementing reforms in areas such as justice, the fight against corruption, the strengthening of the rule of law and resilience, good governance, economic and entrepreneurial freedom and streamlining public administration, which represent essential aspects both for the overall development of the Republic of Moldova and for the advancement of its European course,” the document reads.

According to the cited source, Romania will continue to provide “robust and constant support” in these efforts aimed at obtaining the status of candidate state and the decisive advancement, based on its own merits and firm reform efforts, for the European path of the Republic of Moldova.

“In the spirit of good cooperation and support for the European integration process, the format of joint sittings of the two states’ Parliaments will pursue the goal of conferring legislative activities a strategic vision, including in the meetings of the Joint Committees of the Romanian and Moldovan Parliaments. The parliamentary activity will gain momentum through the adoption of an ambitious plan of joint action of the two Parliaments, intended to support the reform agenda of the Republic of Moldova, the common aspiration to intensify bilateral cooperation, transpose European legislation, transfer expertise and advance European integration,” the joint declaration goes on to read.

The two Parliaments also expressed their “deep concern over security developments in the region” amid Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

“We strongly condemn the illegal, unprovoked and unjustified aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. We reaffirm our full support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. We reiterate our full support and deep compassion for the Ukrainian people, victim of this brutal aggression. We welcome the exemplary way in which the Romanian and Moldovan authorities, together with the civil society and the citizens of Romania and Moldova, manage the large number of Ukraine refugees. (…) Romania will continue to support Moldova in its complex effort to handle the flow of refugees from Ukraine and to maintain the resilience of its society,” the Romanian and Moldovan MPs underscore.

Also, according to the document, the two countries will continue “cooperation and coordination” in the areas of competence and mutual interest: justice and the fight against corruption, state security, border management and policing, culture, education, research, youth and sports, social assistance, economic cooperation and freedom, investment and public procurement, media, the digital sector and the information society, agriculture and the agri-food sector, environmental protection.

The joint declaration was signed by the President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova Igor Grosu, President of the Romanian Senate Florin Citu, and Speaker of Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Marcel Ciolacu. AGERPRES

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Ministra Muncii, anunț pentru toți pensionarii – Documentele vor fi transmise în următoarele luni




Ministra Muncii şi Solidarităţii Sociale, Simona Bucura-Oprescu, a anunţat că în luna septembrie românii vor primi pensiile recalculate şi a precizat că nicio pensie nu va scădea.

Simona Bucura a declarat, duminică la RTV, că la sfârşitul lunii mai va începe procesul de recalculare a pensiilor.

„La sfârşitul lunii mai deja vom începe acest proces, iar plicurile cu deciziile de recalculare vor ajunge la românii în perioada verii, iar în luna septembrie îşi vor primi pensiile recalculate, taloanele de pensie recalculate cu cuantumurile acestora în urma recalculării”, a explicat Oprescu.

Ea a mai precizat că noua lege a pensiilor aduce etichitate în sistem.

„Românii trebuie să reţină faptul că nicio pensie nu va scădea, deci se menţine cuantumul cel mai favorabil. Este foarte important ca românii să ştie acest lucru. Este adevărat că noua lege a pensiilor are o formulă care va aduce echitate în sistemul public de pensii. Ce înseamnă asta? Că dacă ai muncit la fel şi ai cotizat la fel chiar dacă ai ieşit la pensie pe legi diferite, chiar dacă eşti femeie sau bărbat, vei avea acelaşi cuantum al pensiei.

Atenţie! Noua lege a pensiilor are ca fundament contributivitatea, formula spune aşa, avem totalul punctelor acumulate care este format din totalul punctelor contributive plus punctele asimilate plus punctele de stabilitate. Punctele de stabilitate se dau pentru stagii lungi de cotizare peste 25 de ani pentru a recompensa, pentru a răsplăti munca. Vor creşte în mare măsură pensiile pentru care pensionarii au avut stagii peste 25 de ani”, a mai spus ministra Muncii.

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Poli Iași cade pe ultimul loc în Superliga, după înfrângerea cu UTA Arad




Echipa UTA Arad s-a impus duminică, în deplasare, scor 2-0, în înfruntarea cu Poli Iaşi, din etapa a 7-a a play-out-ului Superligii.

În prima parte Omondi a ratat pentru arădeni, în minutul 18, iar portarul arădean Florin Iacob a respins excelent în minutul 40, iar la pauză s-a intrat cu scor alb. După reluare, Rareş Pop a ratat în minutul 59, dar trei minute mai târziu a dat o pasă foarte bună pentru Ezekiel şi acesta a deschis scorul. În minutul 70, arbitrul Chivulete a dat penalti la un posibil henţ în careu al arădenilor, dar după consultarea VAR, lovitura de pedeapsă a fost anulată. În minutul 84 Ezekiel a pasat pentru Luckassen şi acesta a înscris cel de-al şaselea său gol stagional. Reuşita olandezului a avut nevoie de validarea VAR şi UTA s-a impus cu 2-0 la Iaşi. Poli ocupă ultimul loc în play-out, cu 21 de puncte, în timp ce UTA este lider, cu 34 de puncte.

POLI IAŞI: S. Lung jr – Todoroski, F. Ilie, Bouhenna, R. Ispas (Allanzinho 64) – A. Roman, M. Bordeianu, Marchioni (Jatoba 79), Ştefanovici – S. Buş (Harrison 64), Bettaieb (Kabran 72). ANTRENOR: Tony da Silva

UTA: Fl. Iacob – Diogo Rodrigues (Căpuşă 46), I. Conte, Stolnik, K. Lawrence (Ezekiel 56) – Micovschi (R. Trif 56), C. Mihai, Vulturar (A. Lopez 77) – R. Pop (Stahl 72), Luckassen, Omondi. ANTRENOR: Mircea Rednic

Cartonaşe galbene: Todoroski 90+3 / Luckassen 9, Ezekiel 90+

Arbitri: Andrei Florin Chivulete – Andrei Constantinescu, Florian Alexandru Vişan – Andrei Moroiţă

Arbitri VAR: Claudiu Marcu – Alexandru Filip

Observator: Marian Salomir

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