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Polish tourists, stuck in the snow on the Cerbului Valley, rescue operation underway



Three Polish tourists were stuck in the snow on the Cerbului (stag, editor’s note) Valley, and a team of mountain rescuers went to the mountain to recover them.

According to data posted on Facebook by the Prahova Salvamont (Mountain Rescue Service), the foreign tourists got stuck in the snow at the descent from Omu Peak, on the Cerbului Valley.

Two mountain rescuers went to rescue them from the Baba Mare Mountain Rescue Base, and the intervention to recover the three is underway.

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NATO’s Geoana: Voting system in Romania is the most primitive in the entire Europe



The voting system in Romania is the most primitive in all of Europe, NATO deputy secretary general Mircea Geoana said on Saturday at the Romanian Students’ Congress, which took place at the Parliament Palace.

“Involvement in the life of the city, changing the destiny of our nation for the better is not done only by participating in the vote. It is done by involvement and permanent pressure on the political decision-makers. Because if you voted for X or Y or Z , regardless of your political preference, the moment you put the stamp on that name… By the way, the voting system in Romania is the most primitive in all of Europe. There is no country in Europe where you have ballots that are not serialized, you don’t know who printed them and, automatically, often you don’t know who counts them,” he said.

In his opinion, Romania “doesn’t want or can’t – usually it’s a combination of the two – neither wants nor can deeply democratize voting.”

“Voting by mail, electronic vote… what is this? I don’t know how to protect the data? Let’s be serious, we have IT people among the best in the world,” added the official.

He urged those present to constantly hold their representatives accountable.

“The problem is that after you have elected someone, your obligation and responsibility are not transferred to the shoulders of the person you voted for. (…) Hold them accountable, ask them where the money is spent, do petitions,” said Geoana.

He also referred to the reluctance of young people to enter politics.

“You say you want to do politics and automatically a kind of anticipatory suspicion starts,” he pointed out. But, in his opinion, “there is no other profession in the world where you can make change except through politics, there is nothing else.”

“Neither Bill Gates, with his foundations, nor the largest president of an international or national company, no one can change things as deeply as a responsible political man or woman does,” added Geoana.

The deputy general secretary of NATO also referred to the space where the Congress of Students from Romania took place. “A building that, I admit, it did me quite a lot of good not to visit it in the past 15 years,” he described the Palace of the Parliament.

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Ministerul Economiei semnează acord cu producătorul american de drone la BSDA 2024



Ministerul Economiei, Antreprenoriatului şi Turismului, prin intermediul Societăţii Carfil SA, subsidiară a companiei naţionale Romarm SA, va semna, vineri 24 mai, un acord strategic de cooperare industrială cu producătorul american de drone militare şi civile – Periscope Aviation, la Black Sea Defense and Aerospace – BSDA 2024.

Semnarea Acordului de Asociere de Participare va avea loc vineri, 24 mai 2024, la ora 11:00, la standul CN Romarm SA din Pavilionul A, A 827, au transmis organizatorii Black Sea Defense and Aerospace – BSDA 2024, într-un comunicat de presă, conform

Acest acord marchează o premieră pentru industria românească de apărare, fiind primul parteneriat strategic al unei companii autohtone în domeniul construirii de UAV-uri militare şi civile.

Proiectul vine ca răspuns la cererea tot mai mare de astfel de echipamente din diverse industrii, cu accent deosebit pe domeniul apărării, mai arată sursa citată.

Societatea Carfil SA, cu o istorie de peste 100 de ani în producţia de armament şi muniţie pentru artilerie, se numără printre cele mai importante companii din industria de apărare a României.

Periscope Aviation reprezintă divizia de drone a Chartis Federal, fiind cea mai recentă investiţie a companiei americane, renumită pentru inovaţia sa în sistemele UAV tactice de înaltă performanţă.

Black Sea Defense and Aerospace – BSDA 2024 este cel mai important eveniment regional dedicat apărării şi securităţii şi se va desfăşura, între 22 şi 24 mai, la Bucureşti, pe platforma Romaero Băneasa. Expoziţia a ajuns la cea de-a IX-a ediţie, va avea loc pe o suprafaţă de 50.000 metri pătraţi şi va reuni anul acesta peste 400 dintre cei mai mari producători globali de tehnică militară, din mai mult de 30 de state membre sau partenere NATO, care îşi vor prezenta cele mai noi produse şi servicii din portofoliu. Vor ajunge în Capitală şi peste de 300 de delegaţi străini de nivel înalt, reprezentanţi ai 55 de state, de pe toate continentele.

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