Approximately 86,700 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, and over 17,900 means of transport crossed Romania’s external border on the second day of 2025, the Border Police...
Over 137,100 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, and approximately 37,500 means of transport completed the border crossing formalities, both on their way in and on their...
More than 560 driving licenses were seized by the police on Friday, 48 of them for alcohol consumption, informed the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police....
Green Hours va marca la 1 septembrie 30 de ani de existenţă cu un recital de pian, susţinut de artista cehă a momentului, Nikol Bóková, eveniment...
A Romanian module specialising in extinguishing wildfires has been operating in Greece for over 14 hours in support of Greek rescuers in areas strongly affected by...
More than three quarters (81%) of children in the rural area do not participate in sports activities outside physical education classes at school, and 41% of...
Twenty people were rescued from the mountain in the last 24 hours, eight of them reaching the hospital, informs Salvamont Romania on Monday. „In the last...
Cunoscut sub numele de „Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism” (CBAM), acordul va acoperi importurile industriale din cele 27 de state membre ale blocului regional, vizând mai întâi...
Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu discussed Monday, in Brussels, with the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria, Alexander Schallenberg, about Romania’s accession...
Cum își obține Austria cifrele? Aceasta este o întrebare pe care și-o pun mulți oameni în Europa în acest moment, noteaază publicația austriacă Die Presse. În...