Potrivit unui sondaj de opinie, candidatul de extremă-dreapta pro-Putin al României, Călin Georgescu, rămâne prima opțiune a alegătorilor în cazul reluării alegerilor prezidențiale din mai, în...
The public administration sector’s financial assets, expressed as a share of GDP, increased in Q3 2024 by 1.3 percentage points compared to the year-ago period, to...
The Institute of Financial Studies (ISF), founded by the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), has a branch in Chisinau, as of this week,for the evaluation and professional...
Uncertainties at the global level in the context of the multitude of geopolitical events and the deterioration of internal macroeconomic balances are the two most important...
Financial Times prezintă, într-un material publicat miercuri, 11 decembrie, implicarea lui Călin Georgescu, câștigător al primului tur prezidențial, într-un scandal cu posibile conexiuni la grupul paramilitar...
Exim Banca Romaneasca and the Damen Shipyards Galati, one of the major naval builders in Romania, have concluded a financing agreement worth 25 million euros for...
American and Romanian experts from the public and the private sector met on November 6 and 7 in Brasov to discuss the key trends in complex...
Raiffeisen Bank launches in Romania the My Financial Mission game, to prepare young people between the ages of 11 and 15 to understand and use complex...
The government approved on Wednesday new financial commitments worth more than RON 2.4 million to cover spending with the ICT infrastructure of the Ministry of Labor...
Romania’s banking industry has some of the best solvency indicators in Europe, well above the EU average, but on the other hand, Romania is bringing up...