The Romanian government approved on Wednesday a memorandum on Romania’s transformation into a regional hub for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), informs Agerpres....
New purchases of trains and locomotives were approved on Thursday in the Government meeting, the amount required for the investments amounting to 1.21 billion RON, including...
The Government approved on Wednesday a draft law that provides for the payment of Romania’s annual financial contribution to the United Nations Fund, in the amount...
The first application for vouchers for victims of sexual crimes has been approved in court, Justice Minister Alina Gorghiu said on Thursday. „Crime victims are not...
The government approved in Friday’s meeting the granting of the resilience scholarship, in the amount of 300 RON per month, as a form of stimulating students...
Guvernul ungar a acuzat luni compania petrolieră croată Janaf că a crescut pentru anul viitor cu 80% taxele de tranzit pentru transportul petrolului pentru a profita...
Clubul FC Argeş anunţă că a ajuns la un acord de reziliere, pe cale amiabilă, a contractului cu managerul sportiv Ion Vlădoiu, potrivit “Au fost...
The state secretary for Defense Policy, Planning and International Relations, Simona Cojocaru, stated, on Monday, during a meeting with foreign defense attachés, that the war started...
Un bărbat din judeţul Constanţa a fost arestat preventiv după ce a îmbrâncit şi a lovit un poliţist care încerca să bage în autospecială o altă...
Coordonatoarea ştiinţifică a Organizaţiei Mondiale a Sănătăţii (OMS), Soumya Swaminathan, a declarat marţi că aşteaptă cu nerăbdare a doua generaţie de vaccinuri anti-COVID-19, care ar putea...