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On their celebration day, President Iohannis acknowledges reservists’ contribution to shaping Romania as important NATO ally



In a message today to the military reserve force, President Klaus Iohannis says that through their successfully accomplished missions they have heightened Romania’s strategic relevance abroad and made an essential contribution to shaping Romania as an important NATO ally.

“Through the missions you have successfully carried out in the country and in various areas of the world marked by conflict and instability, you have increased Romania’s visibility and strategic relevance abroad, and have become true ambassadors of our country. You also make an essential contribution to shaping Romania as a reliable and important ally of the North Atlantic Alliance, as an active participant in the European Union’s defense projects and as a trustworthy strategic partner of the United States of America,” the head of the state mentions in the message sent on the occasion of the Reservist Day.

Klaus Iohannis goes on to say that through their remarkable achievements, the reservists have become “benchmarks of high professionalism” for their military colleagues who are currently following their example in the country and in the theaters of operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Western Balkans, as well as in the missions conducted in Africa under the auspices of the United Nations.

“Your role didn’t end at the time of your transfer to the reserve, but continues to be an important one for the Romanian Army and for our society. I encourage you to continue getting involved in those areas of activity where your experience and knowledge bring added value, such as training of the young military personnel or the public promotion of military values and traditions. I wish you good health! Many happy returns!,” the President says in the message to the reservists.

Klaus Iohannis mentioned that the anniversary of the Reservist Day is an opportunity to convey appreciation for those who have selflessly served the tricolor flag.

“Today we celebrate ‘Reservist Day’, a military tradition that gives us the opportunity to pass on our appreciation to those who have served with selfless devotion and dedication the tricolor flag throughout their military career, building and modernizing the Romanian Army of today,” notes the head of the state.

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Inspectoratul pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă Bistriţa-Năsăud a transmis, joi seara, un mesaj prin sistemul RO-ALERT cu privire la apariţia unui urs în zona pădurii-parc Schulerwald din municipiul Bistriţa, avertizând populaţia să ia măsuri de autoprotecţie.

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