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Fitch a confirmat ratingul Transgaz ‘BBB-‘ cu perspectiva stabilă



Agenţia Internaţională de Rating Fitch a confirmat ratingul acordat Societăţii Naţionale de Transport al Gazelor Naturale Transgaz la ‘BBB-‘ cu perspectiva stabilă, informează compania, printr-un raport transmis luni Bursei de valori Bucureşti, arată Agerpres.

Ratingul confirmat ‘BBB-‘ cu perspectiva stabilă “reflectă profilul solid al activităţii Transgaz în calitate de concesionar şi operator al reţelei de transport gaze din România, precum şi estimările Fitch privind o contracţie progresivă a activităţii de tranzit internaţional de gaze al companiei, derivat din rutele tradiţionale, se arată în raportul agenţiei.

SNTGN Transgaz Mediaş este operatorul tehnic al Sistemului Naţional de Transport (SNT) gaze naturale şi asigură îndeplinirea în condiţii de eficienţă, transparenţă, siguranţă, acces nediscriminatoriu şi competitivitate a strategiei naţionale privind transportul intern şi internaţional al gazelor naturale şi dispecerizarea gazelor naturale, precum şi cercetarea şi proiectarea în domeniul specific activităţii sale.

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President Iohannis approves law by which Ministry of Finance represents Romania in all international arbitration disputes




President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday promulgated the law approving Emergency Ordinance 6/2024, according to which the Ministry of Finance is granted the right to represent Romania or public institutions in all international arbitration disputes, including arbitration requests which have as their object clauses that refer to the mutual protection of investments from the international treaties to which Romania is a party.

In justified cases, the Government will be able to establish by decision that the representation is ensured by another public institution under its subordination/coordination.

At the same time, the provision is introduced according to which the persons, including digitaries, who are or have been involved in the management of the issue that is the subject of international disputes will be obliged to participate in the meetings requested by the lawyers, in the hearings and to sign the witness statements.

Otherwise, they will be fined from 250,000 RON to 2,500,000 RON.

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Artificial Intelligence brings enormous benefits, but involves enormous risks and threats




Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings enormous benefits but, just like in the story of Dr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll, it involves enormous risks and threats, considers the head of the Fiscal Council, Daniel Daianu.

“Cyberwarfare is only one part of the threats posed by Artificial Intelligence. AI brings enormous benefits, but just like in the story of Dr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll, it involves enormous risks and threats. It can be used by rogue states, by rogue organizations (…) What worries me is that, from a political point of view, things are getting worse in the world and because of various major conflicts, including wars, the dialogue can be difficult between the important actors in the world, and I mean here, first of all, the United States and China. We need to see that there is, however, a dialogue, not necessarily fruitful, but which takes place with officials from both sides”, Daianu said on Tuesday at the 2024 Digital Innovation Summit Bucharest event.

The head of the Fiscal Council also pointed out the fact that numerous global actors and individuals can influence the way of thinking, which can lead to the triggering of actions.

“We live in a very different information environment. What was the world like 40 years ago? Was the Internet available? Did we have a social network at the time? Was there such an intense flow of information and misinformation? There are so many actors and individuals in this whole world that can influence the way of thinking and can trigger actions. There is a visible diplomacy and an invisible one. The tools can’t be used in the invisible diplomacy. In the financial and corporate world we have the front lines, the big battles with the data that is stored. What we need to do is to make the system as impenetrable as possible and to be able to react, to learn, to improve,” said Daniel Daianu.

The National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest is organizing, from April 16 to 18, at the Palace of the Parliament, the Digital Innovation Summit Bucharest (DISB) event, during which the 7th edition of the Forum on Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP Forum), as well as the 3rd edition of the International Conference on Cyber Diplomacy (ICCD).

According to the organizers, CIP Forum focuses on the integration of blockchain to combat cyber attacks, the launch of the NFT Museum of ICI Bucharest and panels dedicated to the role of women in innovation and society.

The event will include panels and workshops, TechPulse Hackathon, B2B meetings, international inter-ministerial dialogues and demonstrations of state-of-the-art products

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